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What is an ARF Pension?

January 24, 2018
Harvest News
guide to pensions

What is an ARF Pension?

An ARF is a personal tax-efficient investment fund into which you can transfer all or part of the balance of your pension fund after you receive your retirement lump sum.

If you would like to have control over how your retirement fund is managed, an ARF might be the best option for you. An ARF allows you to remain invested in the market with the ability to control your investment and take a flexible income in retirement.

An ARF allows you to invest all or part of your pension fund after you retire. You can decide on the type of fund you would like to invest in, and the amount of risk you’re comfortable with. With an ARF you can still withdraw from your fund on a regular or ad hoc basis (subject to income tax and USC. PRSI may also apply). But it’s worth remembering that since your pension fund is still invested, its value may go down as well as up.

Who can take out an ARF?

An ARF is available to members of an Occupational Scheme (assuming scheme rules allow) and individuals that hold a Personal Pension, Personal Retirement Savings Account (PRSA) or Personal Retirement Bond and have reached Normal Retirement Age or have taken Early Retirement.

Self Administered Approved Retirement Fund.

ARF or Annuity – which option might suit you best?